A bunch of these are a continuation of Friday.

This night was so ridiculous. I think I was one of the only ones who knew what was going on.


Brooklyn and Justin.


We all ended up staying the night at my house.

We practically had to carry Jon from the car to my house.

Jake just laughed non-stop.

On Saturday, my mom went to a wedding. She'll probably make me take this down but I thought she looked pretty fabulous for a 45 year old. duh.

On Saturday I went to Khoury's. I hate it there but I had some fun with these girls.

They have a candy machine in there now I guess.

On Monday, Jon, Fred and I went to the thrift store. We met this really cool guy outside.


That's the back of Fred and my camera keeps blowing it.

CLICK THE PICTURE ABOVE!!! I don't know what to think.

Today Makenzie and I went to the beach to go swimming.

The following pictures are from a REALLY old roll of film.

We went to the Echo Plex to see Mike and Tyler play.

Makenzie had fun.

I think maybe i took this for Matt. It was so long ago I don't remember.

Our glow sticks were a hit.

Afterwards we ate at Brite Spot.

I danced a lot that night. I was really tired.

This is from some Sunday at LAX.





Gian. This was a Thursday night.

This was the night of my favorite hush hush. Actually, i'm not sure if it was my favorite...but maybe pretty close.

Samantha and I.


The next day i hung out with Nathy.

She got silly.

Then i met up with Bo Jesse, Ivan and Seven at Denny's. I brought jalapeno poppers from Jack in the Box. mmmm.

These guys fell asleep with their shirly temples.

After that, me and Ivan drove around for awhile and ended up at LAX.

He missed his flight. Oops!
Some random night at Peter's.
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